My Craps System

     Playing craps is a challenge. The dice are constantly changing. You really have to pay attention and try to bet just right so you'll make some money.
     For me, making money at craps is what makes the game truly enjoyable. I like nothing better than to beat the odds and walk away a winner.
     To do this with any consistency you need to know how the game is played and you need a playing strategy.
     When I first started to play, I would bet the pass line and make 2 come bets. That's not a bad way to play but it doesn't help when the table turns cold. I learned very quickly that you had to be able to bet both sides of the dice if you wanted to survive at the table.
     I bought various strategy books and watched how other people played. I took a good look at how I played and changed it to better suit what was happening during the game.
     I started to bet the don't come and make place bets. I wouldn't bet the pass unless I was the shooter. I started to play both sides during the course of a shooters roll. I started to lose less and win more.
     I don't have a name for the system that I use. It is a mostly conservative and adaptable way of playing.
     In describing my style, I'll start first with an approach that is conservative. That's how I like to start play. I want to get the feel of the table, see which way the dice are running and then bet accordingly. I want to pace myself and try to last till that one hot roll comes along. At the very least, I want to grind out a small profit. I take a step by step approach to betting. I don't just switch my betting style from a hot table to a cold table. I use a set of conditions that must be met before I change how I bet.
     What I'm trying to do is follow the trend. When the table turns hot or cold, you'll be in a position to take full advantage.

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