There aren't that many different ways to bet. Basically you bet more
while winning and bet less when losing.
Below are various ways you can increase your bet size.
2,2 Press, Go up one unit, Pressing your bet, Pressing every other bet, Progressive / Regressive
With this method what you are doing is leaving your bets
work for only two hits on the first series, waiting for the next series and
letting your bets work for only two more hits, and on the third series you would
press just two winning bets.
An example: You bet $22 across. The shooter throws a six and
then an nine. For both you would have said same bet to the dealer and after the
second hit, you would go off. On the second series or shooter, you would again
let your bets work for two hits and then go off. On the third series or shooter,
you would press two winning bets and then go off. Repeat the process.
What you are trying to do is win back your original bet,
slowly build up your bets and reduce your exposure to the seven.
You can also change the number of hits around to suit table
conditions. 1,1 press for a cold table and 3,3 press for a hot table.
Risk is moderate.
Good for a choppy table.
When you win your bet you would tell the
dealer to go up one unit.
You win a $12 place bet on the eight. You tell the dealer to go
up one unit. The dealer adds $6 to your bet and pays you $8. Now you have an $18 place
bet. If you win again, you would say go up one unit, you would get paid $15 and have a $24
place bet on the eight.
You can also say to the dealer to make it look like $24 or make
my eight look like $24. You can also say go to $24. Use whatever terminology that's
easiest for the dealer.
You have to win twice before you show a profit.
This is a low to moderate risk level of play.
This method is good for a hot and choppy table.
Simply put, every time you win your bet you double it or press
Let's say you win a $6 place bet on the 6. Instead of taking the
$7 you would say to the dealer "press it". Now you have $12 on the 6 and a
dollar in your rack. If you win again, you can press it to $24 and have two more dollars
in your rack. A win now will give you $4 more as you press it to $48.
You have to win your bet three times before you get your money
back, plus a $1 profit.
There is a high level of risk betting like this. An early seven
will wipe out any chance for profit.
This method is good for a hot table.
With this method you press your bet after
every other win.
Let's say you win a $6 place bet on the six. You take the $7 and
tell the dealer same bet. You have your starting bet back plus a $1 profit. You win your
bet a second time. Now you tell the dealer press it and you have a $12 place bet and $2
profit. You win a third time, say same bet and get paid $14. You're now ahead by $16.
You can make a lot of money this way without overexposing
yourself with big bets on the table. After you win your first bet, you have a $1 profit
and a seven can no longer hurt you.
Risk is moderate.
This method is good for a hot and choppy table.
These methods lets you pull the most profit
off the table before a seven shows.
One way is to start with $12 on both the six and eight. You win
one of the bets and you tell the dealer take the six and eight down to $6 each. You win
again and say same bet. You can press either bet after the third win.
Another way is to press your place bets after every other hit.
When the shooter makes the point you can cut back the amount on your place bets.
For example: You worked your place bet on the six to $60 and the
eight to $24. After the shooter makes the point you can tell the dealer to make your six
and eight look like $12 each. ( or any dollar amount that you are comfortable with )
What you are trying to do is pull as much profit off the table as
you can before the inevitable seven shows up.
Moderate risk and conservative style of play.
This method is good for a hot and choppy table.
See the Craps Pit database under betting systems for more specific methods.