Bally's Grand Casino

$5 chips from Bally's Grand, Atlantic City, NJ.
Not all of the chips shown below are for sale or trade.
Please go to my catalog page for my sale / trade list.
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Red. 4 yellow insets. Black $5. Year of the Dog. 1994. Chipco.
Happy New Year. 1994. Chipco Celebrating Greece. 1995. Chipco.
Paul Anka 35th Anniversary. 1960. front Paul Anka. 35th Anniversary. 1995. back
Happy New Year 1995. front Happy New Year. 1995. back
Liza Minnelli. 1995 Superstar Series.front Kenny Rodgers. 1995 Superstar series. front
Bill Cosby. 1995 Superstar Series. front 1995 Superstar Series. back of all chips in series.
Year of the Pig. front Year of the Pig. back
Greek Celebration. 1996. front Greek Celebration. 1996. back

Cashiers Cage
Atlantic City scans