Starchip Enterprises

Welcomes you to one of the world's premiere Craps systems, Casino chip, and Slot card sites!

 I first started to collect casino chips as souvenirs whenever I went to a casino. I soon found out that many other people did the same.

I joined the Casino Chip and Gaming Token Collectors Club and with the advent of the internet I created this website.

I try to make this site useful to all collectors and traders who share like interests.

I also got into slot card collecting. You’ll find a huge database of slot card images and other resources.

I like to gamble at the Casino and there is no better game than Craps. I’ve studied the game to improve myself and I’ve created a site devoted to all things related to Craps.

You’ll find over 100 different systems and strategies, links, a forum and so much more.

I’m quite proud of it. It’s a great tool, free of charge, for all to use.

